Meditation for Athletes or  Sporting Teams

AGKK – Australian GoJu Kai Karate - Meditation for Athletes or Sporting Teams

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The Keys to Optimal Experiences and Performance

How meditation for athletes benefits performance

Have you ever seen or heard of a history-making sporting moment? Chances are the successful athlete was in a state of complete flow at the time of it happening. Although physical training plays a significant role in the performance of every athlete, meditation for athletes including mental preparation and the ability to focus attention while performing can enhance both performance potential and personal satisfaction.

I have worked with a diverse range of sports, and with athletes from developmental to elite stage. A key aspect of my work is to facilitate athletes (and coaches) developing a skillset for greater awareness and focus. I help athletes manage worries, problems, and distractions, to enable focus to be directed totally onto the performance. I also work with motivation and believe that enjoyment is essential to sport participation at all levels.

I have found in sport some of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. I spent my younger years participating in every sport experience I could find. I loved to run. During my high school years in Sydney I won the Open Athletics Championship at Saint Gregory’s College Campbelltown.

I have represented Australia in Goju Ryu Karate in Australia and overseas obtaining two bronze medals. Sport has always been a passion for me, whether individual or team, and it is where I have found fun, freedom, and positive functional performance and outcomes. Learn the skills that make good athletes great.

Make a Booking

For more information, or to arrange a session/s for an individual, group or workshop/s for your school, you are welcome to contact Bernie on 0409 474 494 or use the inquiry form below.

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